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Aldrington CE Primary School


Welcome to Year Two!

Our Year Two classes are the Seahorses and Turtles.


Mr Olney teaches Seahorses and Mr Miles teaches Turtles.

The teachers are assisted by Ms O'Neill, Mrs Jennion, Ms Sc'erri, Mrs Lawrence and Miss Lloyd.

Meeting your Class Teacher

If you have any questions, please do speak to us at drop-off or pick-up time. If this is not possible, we are happy to arrange a meeting at a mutually convenient time or you can call or email the office. You can also email us using the Teams' email address (@aldrington.org).

Parents’ Evenings are held in October and February each year, with an opportunity to meet again once the end of year individual annual reports have been sent home.



In Year Two we explore three exciting topics:

Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term
We start with the Great Fire of London and even meet the fire service with a fire engine. After half-term we focus on a traditional tale set in a winter wonderland. Sir Michael of Lewes has asked for our help, so we train as squires, investigate the life of a medieval knight and fulfil our quest! We learn about the creatures of the deep ocean, including seahorses and turtles. The topic ends with a focus on summer seaside holidays and we visit the Royal Pavilion and the Volks Railway.

Details of our termly curriculum can be found in the topic leaflets below. Please click to download.


School Calendar and Term dates

Please click here for the school calendar

Please click here for term dates this year


PE and Uniform

Full details of our school uniform can be found here

Please remember that children must wear a tie between October half-term and Easter as part of their full school uniform. In the colder months, please ensure that children have a coat for break and lunchtimes. The children will go out as much as possible at break and lunchtimes so will need waterproof jackets on a regular basis. 

For details about our PE kit, please click here

In Year 2, PE is on Tuesdays and Fridays.

Children need their PE kit for both inside and outside sport. During colder months, please do include a fleece. On the children’s PE days, they come to school in their PE kit and stay in it all day.


Home Learning


Year 2 children should continue to read at home regularly. We recommend at least ten minutes, five times a week. This is essential to developing reading skills and all learning. Please complete the Reading Record book, which will be seen by the class teacher each week.

The children have the opportunity to change their reading book weekly, and receive an e-book fortnightly.


The children are revising the Year 1 phonics in Phase 3 and 5 and then continuing with the Year 2 spelling rules. Please practise with PhonicsPlay, which has a login of 'AldSch' and a password of 'fireman'.  Those children who don't pass the Y1 screening test will have a second opportunity to take the test in the Summer Term 2024, as per usual. 

Children work on their phonics and spelling daily in class. They learn spellings through Little Wandle before moving onto the No Nonsense Spelling programme. Many of these spellings cross over with the high frequency word lists previously used: 'The first 100 HFW' and 'Next 200 HFW'.  Their focus is knowing commonly used words and learning spelling rules they can apply to words with as yet unknown spellings.

First 100 HFW click here

Next 200 HFW click here

Number skills and Times Tables

Children should practise their number bonds to 10 and addition to 20, so that by the end of Year 2 they can readily recall these number facts.  In readiness for Year 3, children should regularly  practise their 2, 10 and 5 times tables. There are a variety of free games online. We recommend the ICT games website (Topmarks) with the game 'Hit the Button', where children can find the products or the factors. The other ICT games  practise their number skills with a wide variety of games of increasing difficulty and are good fun for short bursts of practice. 

We also recommend the free downloadable '1 minute maths' app from White Rose Maths, which uses the same strategies and approach to calculations that we use in school and so will increase their confidence as well as their skills with number.

Topic Homework

The children are  also regularly set a specific piece of homework based on class work, which is generally English, maths or topic related.

Homework is set each Thursday and is due the following Tuesday. Homework information and copies of tasks are sent home via School Ping. If children need to record their work, hard copies of these sheets will be sent home with their homework folder. Please remind children to put their homework books in the box by Tuesday.  Please ensure your child keeps their reading record and reading book separate from their homework folder so that they still bring their reading book home each night to read with you.


Food and Drink

Please click here for the school lunch menu

Every child should come to school daily with a (name labelled) water bottle. Please do not put it in the book bag as it may spill! 

A fruit or vegetable snack is provided for each child every day. If, however, your child is not keen on many fruits or vegetables, you may provide your own fresh fruit or vegetable snack (not fruit bars, such as Yo Yo bars). Please label the snack to prevent upset, and keep it out of lunch boxes which are stored separately.

Please can we remind you that we are strictly a NO NUT school. This includes products containing nuts e.g pesto, nutella etc. We have children with severe allergies that could lead to anaphylaxis.  If your child has an allergy, we need to know. Please contact the school office to provide information.


School Day

Please click here for a detailed breakdown of our school day

Normally, children may arrive at school from 8.40am and must be present by 8.50am. Key Stage 1 children finish at 3.10pm and can be collected from the KS1 playground at the front of schhol, when the gates open. After 3.15pm, children should be collected from the school office.

Please click here for details about our breakfast and after-school clubs
