Welcome to Year Five!
Our Year Five classes are the Elephants and Rhinos.
Mr BrooksElephants
Mr Brooks
Mrs HoldwayRhinos
Mrs Holdway
Mrs GlineurRhinos
Mrs Glineur
Mr Brooks teaches Elephants
Mrs Holdway and Mrs Glineur teach Rhinos.
Mr Claydon teaches in Rhinos on a Thursday afternoon.
The teachers are assisted by Mrs Velasquez and Mr Wakely.
Meeting your Class Teacher
If you have any questions, please do speak to us at drop-off or pick-up time. If this is not possible, we are happy to arrange a meeting at a mutually convenient time or you can call or email the office.
Parents’ Evenings are held in October and February each year.
In Year Five we explore three exciting topics:
Autumn Term | Spring Term | Summer Term |
Following Hiccup as he learns to train his dragon, we will be learning about the Vikings. We will examine their beliefs, society and invasion of Britain! |
Our world is unique in the universe. Our topic covers our solar system, the lunar cycle and the movement of celestial bodies.
Exploring the ancient Greek empire, we will discover about trade, currency and the Olympics. We will investigate how Hellenic thought permeates through our world today. |
Details of our termly curriculum can be found in the topic leaflets below. Please click to download.
School Calendar, Trips and Term dates
Please click here for the school calendar
Please click here for term dates this year
PE and Uniform
Full details of our school uniform can be found here
Please remember that children must wear a tie between October half-term and Easter as part of their full school uniform. In the colder months, please ensure that children have a coat for break and lunchtimes.
For details about our PE kit, please click here
In Year 5, PE is on Mondays and Thursdays.
Children need their PE kit for both inside and outside sport. During colder months, please do include a fleece. On the children’s PE days, they come to school in their PE kit and stay in it all day.
Home Learning
Year 5 children should continue to read at home regularly. We recommend three times a week. This is essential to developing reading skills and all learning. Follow this link for a range of suggested books.
We frequently use Lexia in school, please encourage them to practise for 30 minutes a week at home too and see if they can earn a Lexia certificate! Teacher log in: lexia@aldrington.com
Please see the image below for questions and to make the most out of reading at home and together.
The Year 5 and 6 National Curriculum spelling list will be sent home at the start of the year and can be found by clicking here. Children should practice these spellings regularly alongside their learning in class. For ideas on how to practise words, please click here.
Children should continue to log into My Maths and practise their maths work.
We also strongly encourage children to practise their times tables on a weekly basis. They can do this by logging into Times Tables Rock Stars (TTRS), please click here for the link.
Each week, children are set a specific piece of homework based on class work that week. This is generally English, maths or topic related.
Homework is sent home via SchoolPing and is set each Friday and is due the following Thursday. Please remind children to put their homework in the homework tray every Thursday morning.
Food and Drink
Please click here for the school lunch menu
Every child should come to school with a (name labelled) water bottle that will be kept in the classroom.
Children may bring a healthy snack for morning break each day.
Please can we remind you that we are strictly a NO NUT school. This includes products containing nuts e.g pesto, nutella etc. We have children with severe allergies that could lead to anaphylaxis. If your child has an allergy, we need to know. Please contact the school office to provide information.
School Day
Please click here for a detailed breakdown of our school day
Children may arrive at school from 8:40am and must be present by 8:50am. Key Stage 2 children finish at 3:20pm and can be collected from the gate by the staff car park. After 3:25pm, children should be collected from the school office.
Please click here for details about our breakfast and after-school clubs