Carroty Wood 2024 Day 2
The day started rather early in Woodland Lodge. Those who woke at 5.30am, full of excitement for the day ahead, had to be reminded that others still needed to sleep, including the adults - breakfast was not scheduled until 7.45am! We anticipate that after a day or two of physical activity and fresh air, the adults will be needing to wake up the children.
At Carroty Wood, the day begins after breakfast with an 'Explore' session led by one of the centre team. This is similar to our class collective worship in school, with time to reflect and pray for the day ahead. After it, all groups set out to explore the woodland, in daylight this time. BMX, Abseiling and Team Games were scheduled for later in the morning and the photos below show the children in action and cheering one another on.
It was clear that the children had a great day and mostly managed to avoid the rain! Children came together as a whole group to share experiences; it's been great to hear how proud the children are of themselves and of others. The staff overheard lots of children remark throughout the day "this is the best day ever".
After supper, Hornbeam House had a quiz, organised by Miss Valentine, whilst those in Woodland Lodge enjoyed the swimming pool.