Archived News
- 30th Sep: Carroty Wood 2024 Day 1
- 26th Sep: Year 5 Viking Day
- 25th Sep: Fishbourne Roman Palace Trip
- 19th Sep: Take Shelter!
- 1st Jul: Fundraising News
- 27th Jun: Royal Pavilion Visit
- 24th Jun: Faith in Arts Week 2024
- 24th Jun: Lifesaving Course on Brighton Beach
- 20th Jun: Withdean Athletics Event
- 18th Jun: Prayer Space Week 2024
- 17th Jun: Local Walk
- 14th Jun: Gorgeous Collage
- 12th Jun: 'Project Borehole' Fundraising
- 7th Jun: Enterprise Fair
- 24th May: Greek Day
- 23rd May: Rugby League Festival
- 17th May: End Of SAT's Event
- 7th May: i360 & Nature Walk
- 4th May: Children's Parade
- 26th Apr: Girls Football Match
- 26th Apr: Pullborough Brooks Trip
- 19th Apr: Our City, Our World Launch Day
- 28th Mar: HAPPY EASTER!
- 26th Mar: KS2 Easter Celebration at Bishop Hannington
- 25th Mar: Washbrooks Farm
- 22nd Mar: Aldrington Chicks
- 21st Mar: Lewes Castle Trip
- 20th Mar: Let's Dance!
- 19th Mar: Weald And Downland Trip
- 18th Mar: Space Dome Visit
- 18th Mar: Science Week in Year 5
- 14th Mar: Netball Tournament
- 13th Mar: EAL - (English as an additional language) Coffee Morning
- 11th Mar: Year 5 Visits to Glentworth House Nursing Home
- 8th Mar: World Book Day Fun!
- 8th Mar: World Book Day Potatoes!
- 7th Mar: Sustrans Learn To Ride Sessions
- 6th Mar: Let Girls Play Football Day
- 6th Mar: Year 5 Movie Night
- 29th Feb: Yum Yum Bistro Event
- 28th Feb: Waitrose Trip
- 26th Feb: Police Visit - Year 1
- 23rd Feb: What's The Crime Mr Wolf?
- 22nd Feb: Daily Bread - Off The Fence Prayer Space
- 9th Feb: Victorian Day for Year 1
- 9th Feb: Year 4 Play
- 7th Feb: First Aid Training
- 7th Feb: Athletics
- 6th Feb: Y6 Visit to Grimms Fairy Tales At Kings School
- 5th Feb: Teddy Bears Picnic and Bedtime Stories
- 31st Jan: Fundraising For Our School
- 30th Jan: The Observatory Science Centre Trip
- 22nd Jan: Primary School Netball Festival
- 19th Jan: Squire Day!
- 19th Jan: Bishop Hannington
- 18th Jan: New Growth Ministries
- 15th Jan: Saxon Day
- 10th Jan: SPACE DAY
- 8th Jan: Stone Age Day For Year 3
- 4th Jan: Sir Michael Of Lewes Knight Visit!
- 4th Jan: Off The Fence Prayer Space
- 4th Jan: Staff Recruitment
- 14th Dec: The Aldrington Christmas Tree
- 13th Dec: Carol Services at Bishop Hannington
- 12th Dec: Don't toss it, compost it!
- 8th Dec: Defeating Boudicca and her Iceni tribe!
- 8th Dec: Christmas Pudding Stir-Up Friday
- 6th Dec: Year 1 & 2 Christmas Play 2023
- 5th Dec: Reception Nativity 2023
- 1st Dec: Special Educational Needs Coffee Morning
- 30th Nov: Christmas Puddings!!!
- 30th Nov: Aldrington Parents & Carers Prayer Group
- 24th Nov: Artwork For Waitrose
- 23rd Nov: Planting Bulbs!
- 15th Nov: Cross Country Event At Waterhall
- 14th Nov: November's MacMillan Cup
- 10th Nov: Remembrance Day 2023
- 9th Nov: Year 1 Visit From Graeme The Hedgehog Man
- 7th Nov: School Photos Today !!
- 3rd Nov: Girls' Football Team in Tournament
- 3rd Nov: Remembrance Day And Poppies
- 2nd Nov: Music Lessons At Aldrington
- 31st Oct: Year 1 Drama Workshop
- 20th Oct: Blythswood Care Shoebox Appeal
- 12th Oct: Year 2 Fire Safety Officer Workshops & Fire Engine Visit
- 10th Oct: Gold School Games Mark Award Ceremony
- 10th Oct: Year 4 Rainforest Day and Reptylers Visit
- 9th Oct: Bikeability
- 4th Oct: Sunflowers, Squashes and Squirrels!!
- 3rd Oct: Year 3 Fishbourne Palace Trip
- 29th Sep: Harvest Time At Aldrington
- 29th Sep: Have you spotted Gooders yet?
- 25th Sep: Year 5 Viking Day
- 18th Sep: Forest School
- 15th Sep: Aldrington Allotment News
- 14th Sep: 2023 Year 6 visit to Take Shelter
- 13th Sep: Year 4 Swimming
- 13th Sep: Welcome to Our New Reception Children!
- 12th Jul: Reception Sports Day 2023
- 12th Jul: Gold for School Games Mark!!!
- 5th Jul: Gooders - Our Own Shaun The Sheep
- 26th Jun: Faith In Arts Week 2023
- 21st Jun: Year 1 Local Walk
- 19th Jun: Year 5 Greek Day and Banquet
- 15th Jun: Year 4 Three Cornered Copse Trip
- 13th Jun: Year 6 Trip to Lewes Railway
- 9th Jun: Year 6 Enterprise Fair
- 8th Jun: Year 2 Trip to Pavillion and Volks Railway
- 22nd May: New Playground Dedication
- 18th May: Year 5 Entrepreneur Week
- 17th May: New Playground!
- 16th May: New Playground Progress!!
- 5th May: The King's Coronation Celebration
- 27th Apr: Celebrating Courageous Advocacy!
- 18th Apr: Reception Trip to The i360
- 31st Mar: Celebrating Neurodiversity!
- 23rd Mar: Swimming Gala
- 23rd Mar: Y1 Washbrooks Farm Trip
- 21st Mar: Year 4 Weald and Downland Living Museum Trip
- 8th Mar: Year 2's Trip to St Peter's Church
- 3rd Mar: World Book Day 2023
- 12th Jan: Squire Day For Year 2
- 11th Jan: Stone Age Day Year 3
- 11th Jan: Y4 Saxon Day
- 2nd Dec: Christmas Pudding 'Stir Up Thursday'!
- 1st Dec: Reception Nativity 2023
- 24th Nov: King's Community Games
- 13th Oct: Year 4 Reptylers Visit and Rainforest Day
- 11th Oct: Year 3 Trip To Fishbourne Palace
- 11th Oct: Year 2 Great Fire Of London Re-enactment
- 16th Sep: Pandas And Penguins First Day
- 16th Sep: Y3 Pedestrian Training
- 16th Sep: Green Fingers Time at the Allotment!
- 5th Jul: Aldrington Brass and Hangleton Youth Band Joint Concert
- 8th Jun: Y6 Trip to Lewes Railway Land Nature Reserve
- 27th May: Jubilee Tea With The Queen!
- 23rd May: Faith In Art Week 2022
- 5th May: Year 5 Arundel Wetlands Trust Trip
- 8th Apr: Year 5 & 6 Off The Fence Workshop
- 5th Apr: Tag Rugby Festival
- 25th Mar: Year 5 Opera Brava
- 22nd Mar: Year 1 Washbrooks Farm Trip
- 14th Mar: Science Fair
- 9th Mar: Planting Trees!
- 4th Mar: World Book Day
- 3rd Mar: Year 4 Riddles By The Fire
- 2nd Mar: Year 1 Waitrose Shopping Trip
- 11th Feb: Year 1 Victorian Day
- 10th Feb: What A Knight! Performances
- 3rd Feb: Year 5 Trip to the Observatory Science Centre
- 28th Jan: Year 4 Saxon Day
- 21st Jan: Year 2 Squire Day
- 18th Jan: Year 3 Stone Age Day
- 15th Dec: Carols and Christingle 2021
- 10th Dec: Year 4 Chocolate Day 2021
- 10th Nov: Year 1 Hedgehog Visit
- 25th Oct: Harvest Festival 2021
- 14th Oct: Year 4 Reptylers Visit
- 14th Oct: Year 4 Rainforest Explorers Day
- 11th Oct: Year 2 Fire Safety Talk
- 30th Sep: Year 2 Great Fire Of London
- 22nd Sep: Year 3 Roman Day
- 22nd Sep: Welcome To Our New Reception Children and Families
- 22nd Jul: Aldrington's Got Talent 2021!!
- 19th Jul: Year 6 Summer Fair
- 14th Jul: Year 3 Visit To The Copse
- 7th Jul: Reception's Bug Ball
- 30th Jun: Year 6 Trip to Lewes Railway Land Nature Reserve
- 30th Jun: Early Years & KS1 Sports Day
- 30th Jun: Year 6 Camp Out !
- 29th Jun: Year 6 Chessington Trip
- 18th Jun: Fundraising At Aldrington
- 18th Jun: Faith In Art Week
- 16th Jun: Football Tournament
- 9th Jun: Y4 Three Cornered Copse Trip
- 9th Jun: Bird Rescue at Aldrington!
- 7th Jun: Y6 Bikeability Training
- 26th May: Y4 Orienteering Day
- 13th May: Mental Awareness Week
- 30th Apr: Year 4 Secret Agent Day
- 22nd Apr: Grand Opening Of Our New Running Track
- 1st Apr: Reception Easter Breakfast
- 1st Apr: Fundraising for Compassion UK
- 1st Apr: Our Easter Celebration led by Year 6
- 31st Mar: The trumpet shall sound
- 31st Mar: Year 1 Easter Gardens
- 31st Mar: MacMillan Cup
- 31st Mar: The Kendrick Award for Sport March 2021
- 30th Mar: Easter in a Box
- 25th Mar: Spring Has Sprung! The Eggs Have Hatched!
- 19th Mar: French Day
- 18th Mar: Y6 Climate Change Placards
- 17th Mar: Supporting Compassion in Indonesia
- 9th Mar: Our New Stage
- 8th Mar: Welcome Back
- 4th Mar: World Book Day
- 18th Dec: Year 4 go to Hogwarts 2020
- 12th Dec: Christmas Nativities 2020
- 11th Nov: Remembrance Day
- 22nd Oct: Harvest 2020
- 12th Oct: The Spinney
- 8th Oct: Reptylers
- 6th Oct: The Great Fire of London
- 6th Oct: Looking forward to Harvest
- 21st Sep: Year 3 Roman Day
- 18th Sep: Here We Are
- 14th Sep: Welcome Pandas and Penguins
- 8th Sep: Visiting the school in November 2020
- 19th Jul: Farewell, Year 6!
- 16th Jul: Thought for the day 16/7/20
- 10th Jul: Thought for the day 10/7/20
- 9th Jul: Thought for the day 9/7/20
- 8th Jul: Thought for the day 8/7/20
- 20th Apr: School open for children of key workers
- 15th Apr: Welcome to our new website
- 3rd Apr: Happy Easter from Brighton City Mission
- View current news items