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Aldrington CE Primary School

Inspections & Performance

School performance overall is moderated by both Ofsted and SIAMS (Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools) inspections.

Children's progress and attainment is carefully tracked and monitored during and at the end of each academic year and reported to each individual child's parents. Statutory assessments, which include a combination of teacher assessments and national tests, are completed at the end of Key Stage 2 (Year 6). Other statutory assessments include a multiplication times table check in Year 4 and a phonics check in Year 1 (with some children repeating the check or taking it for the first time in Year 2).

School Performance

Please find below  results from statutory assessments for 2024. This data is currently provisional but from the autumn term can be compared nationally on the Department for Education website.



Click to see the school performance tables


Inspection Reports 

Please follow the links to see our most recent inspection reports by Ofsted and SIAMS. Our most recent Ofsted inspection was in November 2021.


Click for our Ofsted report rated Good


Click to give your views to Ofsted


Click for our SIAMS report rated Outstanding

This inspection focuses on the distinctiveness and effectiveness of Aldrington as a Church of England school as well as its leadership and management, impact of collective worship and effectiveness of religious education.

