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Aldrington CE Primary School


At Aldrington, we pride ourselves in creating an inclusive learning environment and providing appropriate provision for all children to succeed. Class teachers are responsible for the learning and progress of all children in their class. This entails meeting children’s needs through quality first teaching, personalised planning and resourcing and differentiation through levels of support, expectations of outcome, resources or activity. Some children may require extra support or provision. The different levels of support are explained below:


The Inclusion Team at Aldrington support class teachers in ensuring this provision meets the needs of all children, including those with SEND or AEN or those needing particular support when learning English as an additional language.

The Inclusion team at Aldrington support class teachers in ensuring this provision meets the needs of all children, including those with SEND or AEN. This currently consists of the Inclusion Lead (Miss Hill), the SENDCo (Mrs Griffiths) and the Learning Mentor team (Mr Bradley, Miss Rummery and Mrs Radley).


If you have any concerns about your child’s progress or development during their time at Aldrington CE Primary School, please contact your class teacher or a member of the Inclusion team. We pride ourselves on working with the stakeholders of every child and will discuss any concerns, intervention or outside agency referrals with parents/carers before any action is undertaken to ensure a collaborative relationship.


Click on the links below to view our updated policy and report: 