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Aldrington CE Primary School


At Aldrington we aim to develop questioning mathematical minds. We want to empower children to explore, discuss and apply maths in a creative, investigative and supportive environment. We want children to be curious, to look for links, to make predictions, test theories and draw conclusions. Children at Aldrington learn to recognise and use the maths that is all around them.

A mastery approach is at the heart of the maths at Aldrington. Across all phases, children are taught problem-solving strategies through a range of resources. We know that many adults fear maths, so we encourage children to have a positive, confident, enthusiastic and curious attitude towards maths. Throughout the school, we teach a high-quality curriculum that both challenging and enjoyable.

Children start encountering maths through concrete objects. For example, addition and subtraction is taught through physically manipulating resources and only later is this connected to pictures and mathematical symbols. This encourages a richer, deeper understanding of number and how they can be manipulated. Thorough grounding in fundamental relationships enables children to feel confident in their understanding and inspired to push themselves further.

At Aldrington children are exposed to problems and challenges that encourage them to make rich connections across mathematical ideas. We use the Power Maths scheme in all year groups, consistently familiarizing children with a rich and inspiring curriculum. We develop fluency, reasoning and competence in solving problems, with children motivated to work both independently and in cooperation with others.

Calculation Policy

You can find much more detail about our curriculum from the Calculation Policy.

Click to download the Calculation Policy

Parent/Carer Workshops

To find out more about how we teach maths at Aldrington, please do join our annual workshops. Led by our maths co-ordinator, we will share the apparatus and strategies children use. Join us to see how children understand the size of number and what is happening when we add, subtract, multiply and divide. More details will be published closer to the time.

Helping at Home

Children have regular maths homework such as questions and challenges from this week, or ongoing times table practice. To help your child with these, please see the Home Learning section. If you have any questions, please ask your class teacher in the first instance.
