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Aldrington CE Primary School


History at Aldrington is an integral part of the curriculum: allowing us to investigate the past, to hone our skills of inquiry and reasoning, and to develop a cultural awareness by which to interpret the world today. Historians at Aldrington are characterised by their questioning and inquisitive approach to the past, by their critical analysis of historical sources, and by their rich understanding of how people lived and worked in times past.

Critical thinkers

Children are taught to make considered judgements and arguments through weighing evidence and analysing both primary and secondary sources. They will able to make links across time periods and places in order to discuss change and continuity.


Children are inspired to be inquisitive and are enthusiastic to learn about history. They have chance to think, reflect, debate, discuss and evaluate the past by formulating and refining questions and lines of enquiry. They can follow their interest in order to conduct further research and are encouraged to make links with previous learning.


Children will develop a strong understanding of the chronology of British, local and world history and be able to make links between different periods. They will be able to talk about the periods, places, people and events they study using appropriate historical terms.



The history curriculum at Aldrington encourages children’s curiosity as well as embedding a secure understanding of chronology. Children are inspired to learn about historical periods, people, places and events through trips, workshops, WOW starts and artefacts. History is particularly well supported by our topic-based learning, immersing the whole curriculum in an historical culture for a term. Children benefit from a wide variety of trips to historical sites, including Stone Age huts, Saxon homes and an air raid shelter.



History teaching at Aldrington should have an impact on all students and this will be seen through children’s enthusiasm and curiosity for the subject. It will also be displayed through their work in books as well as discussions with teacher’s and subject leaders about what they have learnt. Children will make clear progress across the year groups and leave Aldrington having thoroughly enjoyed learning history. The historians of Aldrington leave well-equipped with the historical skills and knowledge to succeed in the future.

History Policy

Progression of Skills in History

