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Aldrington CE Primary School

Attendance & Punctuality

At Aldrington, we are committed to working with parents to promote regular attendance and punctuality.  We expect all children on roll to attend on-time every day, when the school is in session, as long as they are fit and healthy enough to do so.  We believe that the most important factor in promoting good attendance is development of positive attitudes towards school. 

Aldrington is proud of its high level of attendance which is above the average for similar schools nationally.  Whole school attendance is consistently above 96% and the school expects individual pupils to have attendance at this level.  It is important that children develop positive patterns of attendance and punctuality in order to have the best chance of making good educational progress. 

Attendance of 90% is the equivalent of one half day's absence every single week. If a child's attendance is 85%, this is equivalent to missing half a term of school over the year!

Nationally, attendance lower than 90% is classed and recorded as 'persistent absence'.

Start of the school day

The school day starts at 8.50 am but children are able to enter their classrooms at any time from 8.40 am, to enable everyone to be welcomed and settle promptly into the school day.  Children in Reception should enter the school via the gate to Pandas and Penguins classes (situated to the left of the main School Office). Children in Year 1 and Year 2 should enter via the lych gate at the front of the school. Children in Year 3 and Year 4 should enter via the gate nearest to Nevill Rec and children in Year 5 and Year 6 should enter via the green gate in the school car park.

If your child attends Breakfast Club, the staff on duty there will ensure they go promptly to class at 8.40 am.

Late arrivals

Late arrivals (after 8.50 am) should enter school via the School Office and are logged each day. The parents of pupils who are late more than occasionally will be invited to discuss the issue with the Headteacher to see how we can support your family to address the issue.

Lateness has a detrimental effect on children's learning:

  • 5 minutes late each day = 3 days of lost learning
  • 10 minutes late each day = 6.5 days of lost learning
  • 15 minutes late each day = 10 days of lost learning

End of the school day

The school day ends at 3.10 pm for children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 and 3.20 pm for older pupils.  Parents are asked to ensure children are  collected promptly either at 3.10/3.20 pm or after any clubs they may attend.  The class teacher or School Office must be informed of any changes to collection arrangements for safeguarding reasons. A child will not be allowed to go with another parent unless permission has been sent in, or the School Office notified. 

Absent from School

It is essential that we are informed when children are absent from school.  Parents and carers should telephone the School Office on the first day of absence and again each morning, unless there is an expected extended absence e.g. chicken pox.  Parents should then send a note when the child returns to school.  Parents wishing to take their child out of school during the day, for unavoidable medical appointments, must inform us beforehand. Routine dental and medical appointments should be booked for the end of the school day, or in the holidays where possible. 

Parents wishing to take their child out of school for other reasons during term-time must complete a request form (available from the School Office) and return it to the Headteacher for consideration. The Headteacher is only able to authorise absence for exceptional circumstances.  Our school follows the Brighton & Hove procedures for attendance which are detailed within our Attendance and Punctuality Policy.
